Friday, November 27, 2009

Test Case Template

Test Case: Test case is a series of steps which is executed to know the actual behavior of a particular functionality of application.

A good test case should contain following fields:

Test Case ID: A unique identifier for test case

Test Case Description: Functionality/Business logic which going to be tested

Date of Creation: Date

Created by: Name of person writing test case

Pre-requisites: Any specific DB/Environment/SW/Hardware Configuration required

Steps to be executed: Should be detailed

Expected Result: Expected behavior of the system

Complexity: 1/2/3 or High/Medium/Low

Priority: 1/2/3 or High/Medium/Low

Type: End to End/System test/GUI test

Release: Application release

Application/Module: Name of application if system has many applications or modules


Anonymous said...

Typically, Post-Requisite is also included in the standard template.

Anonymous said...

Also, 2 more fields, -- Test Case Name and Pass /Fail